  • Productivity for

  • ? Select the desired time frame. The default value is Today's date.
  • 53.17%16h 11mProductive Time
    ? This is the productive time monitored by Cyclope. Applications and websites have a productivity property that can be set below. The productive time is included in the active time recorded. Idle time does not have productivity settings.
  • 24.99%7h 36mDistracting Time
    ? Acesta este timpul neproductiv înregistrat de către Cyclope. Aplicațiile și websiteurile utilizate de angajați au o proprietate de productivitate care poate fi setată mai jos. Timpul neproductiv face parte din timpul activ înregistrat. Timpul inactiv nu are setări de productivitate.

Neutral Time (6h 38m) 21.84%

(Neutral Time = Time with no productivity settings.)
Change the productivity settings for an application by sliding left for distracting and right for productive.
ApplicationCategoryTypeTime% of Active Time